2local is Alternative to neoliberalism

3 min readMay 16, 2020


We are currently entangled in a neoliberal world in which large banks and multinationals dominate. We rule and run from crisis to crisis: climate change, depletion of natural resources, loss of biodiversity, inequality, hunger, malnutrition and poverty. Covid-19 pandemic and the rapid global spread of the virus make this international entanglement even more clear and a transformation to a new system the more urgent. We should look to a future where sustainability and prosperity are common. We use a general model with roots in old Chinese philosophy that corresponds with Yi-Jing and Spiral Dynamics, to analyze the situation and propose improvements. The model, published in Comparative Philosophy second issue of 2019, is a fractal system of self-similarity of states and stages with an immanent and transcendent flow of energy that shows a process of involution, turn and evolution. The model consists of an octant system with horizontal, vertical and diagonal axes: ego versus alter intentionality, internal versus external oriented energy, competition versus cooperation and renewal versus preservation. The model offers the possibility to look at the development of events in the world from different viewpoints, see figure.

Following the spiralling sequence of the octant model we present a general characterization of different situations and problems that we envisage in our neo-liberal society. The idea of classical liberalism was that the free market would arrange individual freedom for all (1). The free market caused the rise of industrialism, from which primarily benefited nobility and family businesses, operating in closed circles (2). With the increase in international trade, multinationals and international banking accumulated more and more power (3). This development led to the crisis of the 1930s. After that crisis, neo-liberal initiatives proposed the free market to continue, but controlled by the government. The reforms also led to the emergence of the public sector, where market forces have been introduced. The benefits are unclear and led to major government controls, bureaucracy and falling wages of workers (4). During this period, a lot of attention was given to the development of science and technology, however mainly driven in the direction of the prevailing market forces and large companies (5). Our world is now characterized by inequality, globalization with powerful multinationals and international banks, one-sided knowledge development and hardly any attention for cooperation (6), symbiosis, synergy and diversity (7), let alone sustainability and prosperity for everyone (8).

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