3 Pillars Of 2local

1 min readMar 2, 2020


Financial crisis, poverty and hunger, inequality, climate change, pressure on our ecosystems, decrease of biodiversity? We are facing a man-made crises that threaten our lives on this planet. To help overcome these serious problems, 2local combines three essential pillars.

3 Pillars Of 2local


Local systems are best suited for achieving sustainability. They help us reconsider our social and ecological values, and develop relationships that reward quality and fairness.

Blockchain technology

2local cashback system aims at increasing global prosperity through rewarding people, who buy local and sustainable products. 2local has a loyalty platform with cashback functionality, a marketplace that connects vendors and consumers, and a smart trading algorithm to ensure L2L tokens are rising in value.


The 2local community uses blockchain technology to create sustainability and prosperity. Therefor we have our own blockchain with L2L as native coin. Our blockchain is low energy consuming, ultrafast and has a highly secured consensus mechanism.

See more at https://2local.io/ and participate in our IEO at https://p2pb2b.io/token-sale/L2L/2




2local is building a loyalty platform to be the first to give the wealth of the blockchain back to the people who use the 2local coin (L2L).